Yesterday I had my last exam and finally free
I had blogged on this before
So today I gonna blog about how much difference did I look before exam and after exam
K~this is me when I am studying in the middle of the night~
Can you see my grumpy eyes with dark circles?haha~
I look like I gonna cry in any moment
I wore like a sampat girl (which I was~~~=P) in this photo
And my hair was messy like just wake up
The table is full of my notes and stationery
Now I gonna post my after exam photos!!!
Can you see my charming smile?hahaha~
Its like finally had freedom after many days of imprison (I basically stay at home 24 hours before exam)
My eyes are finally sparkling
Although the dark circles still there, it still can't hide my glowing face
Soooo....conclusion is exam makes a girl into auntie~~lolololol
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