Wednesday 9 May 2012

Posted by Janine at 23:30
My name is Janine. 
As I always known sampat among my frens, I named this blog as Sampat Girl's Diary~=D
This is my first post. I still duno wat to write.
So I juz intro myself abit.
I come from Johor. 
My greatest wish is to study pharmacy in degree.
I like to read books, watch movies, and listening music.
My favourite drink is coffee and skyjuice.
I like to eat food. In fact, I live to eat.
So you can guess how round I am. =P
I know I got no hope to become slim while eat is my life. Haha~but I dun regret~
Erm...I dunno how to continue..
So I juz stop here...haha~


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