Thursday 10 May 2012

Posted by Janine at 08:22
even if i did not accepted by ucsi..
i still can go to another college...
this is how i console myself...
while i still facing my frens with a happy smile...
my heart is crying silently...
why i never did anything correctly...
why i did not strive for what i want...
i can only blame myself...


Viviancyz on 15 May 2012 at 04:50 said...

cheers la dear. there are a lots of colleges which are x10000000 better than ucsi. good things await you. aza aza fighting!

Janine on 15 May 2012 at 05:35 said...

i feel ok ady...thx for concern zizi..=)
maybe this is god's will..
maybe god got other plans for me..
i will fighting...^^

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